
Audio stories plus local photography in a beautiful interactive frame.

Working in collaboration with Maine Sound and Story, we designed and developed the Storyframe, a gallery-quality interactive that allows visitors to explore a curated selection of oral histories alongside beautiful photography, bringing local stories to life in the places they were told.

These products were designed with ease of production and management in mind. All content can be edited remotely via a WordPress interface. The hardware can be assembled and configured off-site, then installed on location in less than an hour. Housed within a custom-built wooden frame is a 27″ touchscreen display, computer, amplifier, and all the other hardware needed to display each digital exhibit. Simply hang the frame on the wall, plug it in, follow the on-screen instructions to connect to a wireless network, and connect the included headphones.

Currently on view at 44° North Coffee in Stonington and Deer Isle, the Sipayik Museum, and the Bar Harbor Historical Society.
